Our Team

Ondrej Bradac

Ondrej Bradac

Professor of Neurosurgery, Master of Science, Team supervisor, Organization, Statistical analyses

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Petr Skalicky

Petr Skalicky

Neurosurgical resident, Data preparation and analysis, writing, PhD in Neuroscience, Treatment of CSF dynamics disorders (Hydrocephalus, IIH etc.)

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Arnost Mladek

Arnost Mladek

Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, PhD in Neuroscience and Quantum mechanics, Development of machine learning algorithms and AI methods

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Adela Bubenikova

Adela Bubenikova

Medical Student at 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Statistical and MRI data analyses

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Vojtech Sedlak

Vojtech Sedlak

Radiological resident, PhD student in Neuroradiology, MRI data analyses

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Krystof Haratek

Krystof Haratek

Medical Student at 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Literature and data analysis

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Vaclav Gerla

Vaclav Gerla

Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics, and Cybernetics, MSc in Biomedical Engineering, PhD in Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics, Development of signal processing and machine learning algorithms.

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Pavel Sova

Pavel Sova

Neurosurgical resident, PhD student in Neuroscience, Programming, Application preparation, Data preparation and analyses

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Ales Vlasak

Ales Vlasak

Neurosurgeon, PhD in Neuroscience, Data extraction and analysis, MRI data analysis

Research Gate

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